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We are so thrilled that the Lord has been faithful to the Valley Forge Leadership Prayer Breakfast for 30 years!


What began as a humble effort by businessman John Boyer, Jim Maxim and Alberta McCabe, has been blessed to become a sold-out event over the last several years. Hundreds upon hundreds of men and women have committed their lives to Christ in that room. 


We thank God for the steadfast men and women who have contributed in amazing ways, including; monthly meetings, table leaders, sending letters, posting flyers, placing parking signs at 5 am, ushering, finances, manning the book table, and the prayer warriors that pray during the event in a separate room! Their leadership has been an inspiration and was instrumental to me in bringing the VFLPB under the Acts413 Ministries umbrella.


When the VFLPB event was small, the ticket cost of the breakfast paid for the entire event. However, in recent years the cost of the breakfast has grown along with the event size. Out of vigilance to protect the event from becoming “commercial”, or distracted from its primary mission, the cost of the event has been privately underwritten by the giving of a few saints who share our heart.


The Next 30 Years


God continues to grow this event and we must make plans for the next 30 years. In March and in June of 2019, our board met, prayed and came to the important decision to accept sponsorships for the first time in our history. While we remain watchful for the integrity of the event, we want to share the VFLPB mission with our like-minded friends and to inspire a new generation to take up the mantle. The God we serve can do more than we think or ask!


We are asking God to take this event for the next 30 years, to send partners, new leaders, and bold speakers to proclaim the mighty name of Jesus.


If you or your organization feels the call to join us in that proclamation through our new sponsorship program, fill-out the application form below. 


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All Sponsors Receive

•Early Ticket Access

•Inclusion on Sponsor Web Page w/ Link

•Social Media Mentions

•Slideshow Inclusion

•Logo in Program

•Video Sponsor Group Thanks

* All sponsorship items subject to change.*

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Platinum $5500

•Table of 10 – Choice of Table

•Podium Signage

•“Thanks” Eblast - Dedicated

•Logo on Sponsor Web Page w/ Link

•Email Banner on Communications

•Event Slideshow – Dedicated

•Thanks from Podium

•Full-Page - Program Ad

Post Event:

•Dedicated “Thanks” Eblast

•Speaker Video “Special Thanks”

•Banners on Newsletter

•First Chance at 2024 Sponsorships


•Table of 10 – Premium Location

•Email Banner on Communications

•Half-Page - Program Ad

Post Event:

•Speaker Video Group Thanks

•Banners on Newsletter

•First Chance at 2024 Sponsorships

•Group “Thanks” Eblast

Silver $1500

•2 Seat Tickets or preferred seating for table purchase

Post Event:

•Early Access to 2024 Sponsorships

•Group “Thanks” Eblast

Bronze $800

•1st Tier Preferred Seating

•Video Sponsor Group Thanks

Post Event:

•Group “Thanks” Eblast

•Early Access to 2024 Sponsorships

Mission $350

•2nd Tier Preferred Seating

•Video Sponsor Group Thanks

Post Event:

•Group “Thanks” Eblast

•Early Access to 2024 Sponsorships

Register and Pay for your Sponsorship Level with your Event Registration 
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To come together in the true spirit of Jesus Christ, each from his or her own sphere of service, to ask God for wisdom and help, to commit ourselves afresh to high standards of moral integrity and faith. Finally, to cultivate the moral and spiritual character of our area, continuing to preserve our Founding Fathers’ vision of “...One nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”

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